
Ideal participants for Walk with Ease

An older couple walking a dog on a paved walking trail
  • Participants who have been sedentary and exercise very little.
  • Participants who have arthritis or other chronic conditions and struggle with keeping active.
  • Participants who live in environments where walking is challenging (due to safety, lack of walking areas, etc.)
  • Participants who may benefit from a socially supportive group that is focused on improving physical activity.

Ideal partners for Walk with Ease

An Extension educator sits with a community partner in a government building
  • Partners who are invested in the health and well-being of their participants, such as recovery centers and mental health providers.
  • Partners who work regularly with participants at risk of or experiencing arthritis, such as senior dining sites, food shelves, employment and training agencies.
  • Partners who work with participants at risk of isolation and sedentary lifestyles, such as Head Start, WIC, home visitors.
  • Partners who know the success of SNAP-Ed or other Extension courses and are interested in supporting something new.