Preparing to facilitate WWE

To facilitate Walk with Ease for University of Minnesota Extension, there is an eight-step preparation/training process. Please allow up to eight hours to complete all the steps:

  1. View the Walk with Ease webinar.
  2. Review the Arthritis Foundation WWE Leader’s Guide.
  3. Review the Arthritis Foundation WWE Participant Book. Need a participant book? Email Trina Adler to request one.
  4. Review the SNAP-Ed Walk with Ease Self-Directed/Enhanced Model Guidebook and accompanying Google slides.
  5. Review all the sections of this SNAP-Ed WWE Facilitator’s Website.
  6. Complete the scavenger hunt for the WWE Facilitator’s Website. Successful completion of the scavenger hunt will enable you to:
    1. Facilitate Walk with Ease — with ease!
    2. Order books for your participants
    3. Be matched with a Walk with Ease peer mentor
  7. Connect with your WWE peer mentor*
  8. Schedule classes and order books* for participants once you have completed all training and preparation

*Information about accessing a peer mentor and ordering books will be available once facilitators have completed the website scavenger hunt